Target local customers globally

Start reaching local customers with your content, publish videos, pictures and updates and refine your target with a local strategy. Start growing your brand awareness at scale and take the benefit of Shoppi SmartFeed™ technology and offer to your new customers a truly unique experience.


icon smartfeed Local Advertising

Approximately over 70M tourists visit the United States every year. Our community is designed to easily connect travelers with local companies. Shoppi is the only community with a built-in technology to help you connect with people on the move. You can use our audience targeting to address foreigners. We keep them in their environment by using the payment methods they love and the language they speak, and it won't affect you.

You can target travelers by their interests and the language they speak

Find new customers

Shoppi targeting
daily pricing image

icon daily pricing Daily Advertising

There are new people in town, and, you can reach them now

Daily budget

Advertising Campaign duration in Days

Find new customers

Total budget - 5